Monday, August 23, 2010

Blogging Tips - Blogger Atlas

Recently, I posted an article on how to make a blog and had various posts on how to improve your blog's traffic. As I was surfing through FamousBloggers, I found out an article that provides and in depth article for bloggers like me who are just starting

I just read the file and it sure was eye opening and astounding, and I have not finished reading it yet! Although I can say that some of the tips provided there are already a habit of mine, tons of it were unknown to me. I found it very helpful to read on it, and did I mention it was FREE? And oh, you can download it here all it takes is just a few steps and they'll provide you with the file.

I have been blogging for almost two months now, but I still found this article, Blogger Atlas, to still provide
me with very helpful information on how to start a blog as well as start earning on my blog!  The guidelines in this article was compiled from a number of resident bloggers, so this means that the things you read hear are actually proven and true so you don'y have to worry about speculating if your just wasting your time on it, because I can assure you, your not wasting time on it.

What's your stand on this? Any suggestions?
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